On arrival to the coastal region, you will explore the heritage of Rusnė Island, see the preserved old buildings, learn about the beginnings of the island’s development and its history, familiarise yourself with traditional ships of the coastal region and the peculiarities of their construction, try to perform the hard work of a blacksmith, learn how to cut reed, and taste the specialties of the local cuisine.
Suggested educational activities:
A tour around Rusnė Island. You will learn about the history of the origins of the island of Rusnė, listen to the stories about its inhabitants and see its unique traditional architecture.
Educational activity: construction of kurėnas, a type of ancient ships characteristic of the coastal region. You will find out what type of ship is kurėnas, dorė and vytinė, and what are their differences. Have you seen how they are built? A visit to an experienced shipbuilder will reveal everything. You will find out facts about building of the first ships, see the tools of shipbuilding, be explained the subtleties of their use, and learn how to bend the first plank of the board correctly in practice.
Educational activity: blacksmith’s craft. Blacksmithing is one of the oldest crafts. From ancient times, a daily life without blacksmith’s services was impossible to imagine, as blacksmiths produced a variety of things, household utensils, as well as the most sophisticated tools. The educational activity is designed to get acquainted with the work of a blacksmith, providing the opportunity for you to try this craft yourself.
Traditional fish smoking educational activity, including tastings. You will learn about the subtleties of traditional fish smoking from the fosterers of the national heritage. You will be explained and shown what the smokehouse looks like, what kind of firewood is most suitable for smoking fish, as well as how to properly prepare the fish, starting from the moment it is caught up to its removal from the smokehouse. Having fully explored fish smoking peculiarities of the coastal region, as well as tasted the fish and found out which one is the most delicious for you, you will be able to buy it in the shop right there.
Educational activity with the herbalists of Rusnė, including tastings. The herbalists of Rusnė will not only treat you to delicious and fragrant teas but will also provide information about the herbs to help you to treat colds, digestive disorders and other health problems. Herbalists will explain you how to pick and prepare herbs for tea, and you will also be able to buy the tea you like, and, following the educational activities, you will definitely be able to prepare herbs for winter by yourself.
Reed cutting on Rusnė Island. Upon arrival to a reed cutter – a conservator of national heritage, you will see for yourself and be provided with detailed information about reed cutting and processing, as well as about the possibilities of the use of the reed growing in water areas.
Getting off at the Uostadvaris Lighthouse and visiting the Uostadvaris Lighthouse and water-lifting station, or getting off at the Rusnė Pier.
Additional charge for bus rental.
For those who arrive by bus, the tour begins in the town of Rusnė.
Educational activities: fish smoking educational activity, including tastings; construction of kurėnas, a type of ancient ships characteristic of the coastal region; educational activity with the herbalists of Rusnė, including herbal tea tastings; a visit to Rusnė Church and K. Banys Ethnographic Farmstead Museum; reed cutting educational activity; a visit to the Uostadvaris Lighthouse and water-lifting station museum.
Services of a guide, tour leader.
Duration: up to 6 hours.
Clothing: leisure, comfortable.
The end point of the tour: the Rusnė Pier.
The price includes services of a guide.
The price does not include educational activities, fish soup.
Additionally, we can offer accommodation, a lunch, a picnic comprised of local foods.
The offer is also valid for those arriving by bus.
The offer may be modified.
Group of 20 people – from 15 EUR/person.
Group of 30 people – from 13 EUR/person.
Group of 40 people – from 11 EUR/person.
Group of 50 people – from 9 EUR/person.
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