Tea and Bitterns

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As the winter retreats little by little, giving way to the spring, let us supply ourselves with thermoses filled up with tea and go out to have a nice evening in the company of bitterns. Let’s listen to their quite monotonous but extremely powerful and far-carrying talk, and to those earthshattering statements if a bittern chooses to speak right next to you. The speech of this bird is strong and with pauses that are long enough to allow another interlocutor to intervene or remain silent and reflect on what has been said.

Carrying the tea that we will be sipping in the moments of reflection, we will walk on the line between the water and the land, the day and the night, the sound and the silence.

These nature observation trips are available February to June, adjusting the exact dates based on the activity of the bitterns.

Average duration: 3 to 4-hour period, starting at approximately 6 p.m.

Recommended: comfortable clothing, mosquito and tick repellent.

In addition, we can offer a dinner, picnic, food hamper, accommodation, visiting other tourist attractions, and provision of transport.

Maximum number of people: 20

Price: from € 20

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